Program guide
MMA Series-77: All Stars. O.Dadonov, I.Kharitonov, A.Kostina, D.Andryushko
The cage of Victoria Itsekhovskaya. MMA Series-77
MMA Series Names. O.Dadonov
MMA Series. Kyrgyzstan vs... М.Oskonbaev, А.Nusratilla, G.Salibayeva
The Territory of MMA-TV.COM. No.90
MMA Series. Top Middleweight fighters 2023. O.Dadonov, C.Jacare, S.Magomedov

Wow! We can't believe it - we are 5 years old! Friends, we can no longer consider ourselves like a young league, because not many organizations are able to reach such a solid mark. And the MMA Series not only reached it, but reached a whole new level, and this movement to the top will continue in the future! We promise that we will not allow ourselves to relax too much and will continue to make history in Russian mixed martial arts. We are MMA fanatics!